Adult Children

In our "Adult Children" section, we embrace the evolving journey of motherhood as our children enter adulthood. This space offers insights and shared wisdom on topics like redefining parent-child relationships, supporting independence, and navigating life's milestones together. Whether you're adjusting to an empty nest or fostering a new adult friendship with your child, join us in exploring the beautiful, ongoing journey of parenting adult children.

Deciding to ask your child to leave the home is a significant choice that often comes with heavy emotional weight and varying degrees of necessity. In some cases, it can

Discovering your teen’s involved with drugs can shatter your world. As a parent, deciding whether to call the police on your child is anguishing. Could this be the wakeup call they

Discovering that your grown-up child has taken something from you can be a shocking and heartbreaking experience. It’s a delicate issue that brings a mixture of emotions and raises questions

Parenting a teen can be challenging, but when your teen has borderline personality disorder (BPD), the constant emotional turbulence intensifies the parental role significantly. Understanding your adolescent’s experience with BPD is

Navigating the emotional turmoil within a family where a bipolar daughter harbors feelings of hate towards a parent can be a heart-wrenching ordeal. Your struggle is not only with the

Facing the reality of an estranged daughter can be a heart-wrenching journey, fraught with complex emotions and unanswered questions. This process is not about severing all ties or feelings but about

Imagine coping with guilt, shame, or frustration and finding that your first instinct is to point a finger at your mother. This scenario is surprisingly common in mother-daughter dynamics, where

When your grown son becomes distant, it can be a silent echo of unspoken words and emotions. This shift in dynamics often leaves parents grappling with confusion, hurt, and a

Imagine noticing an unsettling silence at family gatherings where laughter and conversation once flourished. This scenario is prevalent, where many estranged adult children find themselves drifting away from the relationship

The estrangement between parents and children can stem from a multitude of underlying issues, one of which may be the presence of narcissistic personality traits. When a daughter’s behavior is

Living at home as an adult can be a practical choice in the face of evolving economic landscapes and shifting social norms. However, to ensure harmony and respect between adult children

When your 18-year-old daughter declares her independence and steps out the door, it’s a pivotal moment that marks the end of childhood and the beginning of a new era. You

When we think our child is taking advantage of us, it can create a complex array of emotions. As parents, it’s natural to want to support and nurture our grown

Dealing with disappointment when it’s about your grown children can evoke a complex mix of emotions. You’ve invested years nurturing and guiding them, only to face outcomes that fall short of

Worrying about your grown child is a natural part of parenting. But when does concern turn into overbearing anxiety? How can you balance care with confidence and let your adult

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