Christmas For Busy Moms

It's that time of year again: Christmas!

If you're a mom, then you know how much work it takes to make Christmas happen. You've got to bake cookies, wrap presents, and decorate the house. You've got to ensure everyone gets their gifts on time and has everything they need for the big day.

It's that time of year again: Christmas!

If you're a mom, then you know how much work it takes to make Christmas happen. You've got to bake cookies, wrap presents, and decorate the house. You've got to ensure everyone gets their gifts on time and has everything they need for the big day.

moms christmas survival guide

And then there's all the usual stuff that goes along with being a mom: getting kids ready for school, making sure homework is done, getting them fed and bathed… IT'S A LOT! But you know that if you don't do it, your family will spiral into mayhem—and that's not something you want on your conscience this Christmas!

So, let's face it, Christmas is exhausting for moms–but it doesn't have to be! Here are some tips on surviving Christmas as a busy mom:

Planning ahead will save you so much stress.

Planning ahead is key! If you've been a mom for any number of years, you know how much can go wrong during the holidays. From the kids fighting over who gets to put the star on top of the tree to the dog eating all your Christmas cards, there's just no way to predict what will happen when everyone is home and together.

The best thing you can do is prepare ahead of time by doing all of your shopping early and making a list of who's bringing what dish and when they're bringing it.

Establish a budget early and stick to it.

You don't want to end up spending more than you can afford on gifts or decorations for the house. Make sure everyone knows what they're supposed to be doing—for example, who's responsible for buying gifts for Mom, Dad, etc., and how much money they need to spend on each person.

If you're like me and dread the thought of having to come up with ideas for what to buy people at the last minute— you can set aside money every month so that by December 25th, you won't feel rushed into making purchases right away.

Make sure everyone knows what they're supposed to be doing.

If you have a big family, it may be difficult to keep track of who's doing what and when they should be doing it. Plan ahead so that everyone knows their responsibilities and can give themselves plenty of time before deadlines hit, so no one feels rushed or stressed out by the end of December 25th!

family decorating christmas tree

Letting everyone know exactly what they're supposed to do will eliminate any confusion later on down the road and ensure that everything gets done in time for Christmas morning!

Don't try to do it all at once - spread things out over several days.

It may seem like it makes more sense to get everything done in one day rather than spreading out your decorations over several days, but that's not the case at all. It's better to spread things out over several days so that you don't get overwhelmed and burned out.

If you're decorating your house for Christmas, start with just one room or area—maybe the front door or a mantle in your living room—and then move on to another area once it's done (if there is another area).

It's the thought that counts, so make the most of inexpensive gifts

Focus on the thoughtfulness of gifts, not their cost! Kids are going to love whatever it is you give them this year. They might even like it more if it's something small or inexpensive!

Instead of focusing on expensive presents this year, try giving your kids something handmade or homemade by you. They'll love it, and it will mean more to them than anything else! Your kids will remember how much they liked the gift when they opened it much more than they'll remember what kind of wrapping paper was used.

Look for ways your children can help you with holiday tasks.

Instead of doing everything yourself, ask your kids if there's anything they can do to help out. They'll feel like they're part of the process, and as a bonus, they'll learn new skills!

If your kids are older (and able to handle scissors), let them cut ribbon or tissue paper into strips for gift wrapping—this will save money on supplies and help them feel like part of the process of putting together gifts for their friends and family members!

If they're younger than ten years old, you might want to consider letting them choose a few stickers or markers to color with, rather than letting them use scissors.

Don't be shy to ask for help!

If there's anything big or small that's holding up your holiday plans (like getting presents ready), consider asking others for assistance rather than trying to do everything yourself. You'll feel less stressed when everything gets done on time, and your loved ones will be happy to help!

There's no shame in asking for assistance, so don't be afraid to lean on others when you need it.

Use an online checklist for everything you have to do.

If you're anything like me, chances are you've already got a list of things that need doing this holiday season. Be it Christmas shopping or getting your house ready for guests (and let's not forget about making sure the kids have everything they need!), there's a lot to remember!

That's why I love using an online checklist app like Todoist (not sponsored by the way!)—it helps keep track of everything, so I don't have to worry about forgetting something important!

Don't forget to schedule some "me time".

set some me-time this christmas season

Don't forget about yourself this holiday season—you need to take care of yourself too! Set aside some time each day where you can unwind and relax with no distractions from work or family members who want something from you at that moment.

You don't have to go meditate in a cave, but maybe take a relaxing bath or read a book with no interruptions from anyone else (it'll be easier if you do it before the kids get home from school).

Remember, it's your Christmas too.

Make sure you get enough sleep before December 25th.

If you're getting up at 4 am every day to prepare gifts and food for your family's big Christmas celebration, it's going to be hard to get everything done without burning out. Make sure you're getting enough rest during the week leading up to Christmas so that when it comes time for all those early wake-up calls, nothing will stress you out too much.

This gives you more energy and makes it easier to focus on what needs to be done around the house and at work. If your day starts off well, it will be easier for the rest of your day as well!

Christmas as a mom doesn't have to be overwhelming.

I'm sure you've heard it before: "Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year!" Well, it's true, but it can also be the most stressful when you're a busy mom. But don't worry, with a little bit of planning and delegation, you can make it through the holidays with ease!

As you can see, there is a lot to consider when it comes to Christmas. It's easy to get overwhelmed with all of the preparations and purchases, so we hope this guide has helped you get started on your preparations in a way that works for you.

If you're looking for more ideas on how to make Christmas memorable with your kids, check out our related articles!
