How to Deal With Disappointment On Mother’s Day: Practical Coping Strategies

By Shannon McLaughlin | Updated On January 29, 2024

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Mother’s Day can stir up a complex assortment of emotions, and not all of them are celebratory.

If you find yourself grappling with feelings of disappointment, know that your experience isn’t uncommon.

Addressing this emotional discomfort requires a blend of self-care and open communication. Why not turn the day into an opportunity for personal growth and connection?

Key Takeaways

  • Recognize that disappointment on this special day is valid.
  • Engage in enjoyable activities to mitigate feelings of letdown.
  • Communicate your needs to enhance the day’s experience.

Shannon’s Take

This time of the year can stir up a mix of emotions. If disappointment creeps in, take a deep breath—it’s okay to feel this way, mama! Shift focus to what you do have: friendships, hobbies, peaceful moments. Acknowledge your feelings but don’t dwell; embrace the day with self-compassion.

Understanding Mother’s Day Disappointment

a lady with flowers & cake

Dealing effectively with disappointment on Mother’s Day begins by acknowledging and navigating the complex emotions and expectations tied to this occasion.

Recognizing Feelings of Disappointment

You may wake up on this one special day with a set of hopes about how the day should unfold, only to find reality falling short of your desires.

It’s essential to identify and express your sense of disappointment rather than suppress them.

Whether the day didn’t meet your expectations of family togetherness or lacked the acknowledgment you anticipated, recognizing these emotions is the first step towards addressing them.

Navigating Motherhood Expectations

This day often comes with the weight of unspoken expectations. Assumptions about either receiving perfect gifts from your husband and kids, or ensuring the day is flawless can overshadow the celebration.

It’s crucial to communicate openly with your family about how you want to feel on this day, share your expectations, and set reasonable goals for the day.

Reflecting on past experiences, you might realize when you’ve had the worst Mom’s Day and can take steps to avoid  disappointment in the future.

Openness and flexibility can significantly improve your experience and help mitigate being disappointed.

Creating a Day of Care and Appreciation

a lady with a cup

When dealing with disappointment on this day, taking proactive steps to focus on yourself and personal appreciation can be transformative. The day can be reshaped into one of rejuvenation and celebrating your own worth.

Planning for Self-Care

To ensure the day is rewarding, plan activities that foster well-being.

Begin by deciding what this means for you; it may involve setting aside time for a soothing breakfast in bed, or if you want to sleep the whole day, carving out a few hours for a beloved hobby, or planning to take a day of rest.

Make a list of what foments relaxation and happiness, guaranteeing you get a break that’s truly beneficial.

Aim to spend the day in a way that fuels you, whether that’s telling yourself you want to buy myself something, diving into a good book or taking a nature walk.

Cultivating Gratitude and Recognition

Reframe the day’s focus by cultivating an attitude of gratitude and self-recognition.

Acknowledge your accomplishments and allow yourself to feel loved and appreciated by you.

Take time to reflect on and write down things you are grateful for, especially aspects that relate to your role as a mother or caregiver.

This practice can ground you in positive feelings and affirm your identity beyond external validations. Recognizing your value is a crucial element of taking care of yourself, and when you anchor in that self-love, external disappointments hold less sway.

How to Deal with Communication Expectations with Family


When the date approaches, it’s crucial to communicate what you hope the day will look like, both to your children and to your partner. Clear communication helps manage both your own and your family’s expectations for this special occasion.

Teaching Children about Mum’s Day

This annual celebration of moms offers a valuable opportunity to teach our kids about appreciation and expressing love.

Talk to your children and start by saying how significant the day is, emphasizing that it’s a time when mothers are honored for their dedication and love. Encourage them to express their feelings, whether through a handmade card or a simple “thank you.”

Remember, teaching gratitude can start with simple gestures.

  • Ask for Something Specific: Guide your children by suggesting specific things they can do for this special day. Whether it’s helping with chores or crafting a homemade gift, it helps them know how to deal with the occasion.
  • Make it Educational: Use stories or examples and make it special to explain the essence of motherhood. This can be especially impactful if it involves family traditions or memories.

Setting Realistic Expectations with Partners

Your kids and husband likely want to make the day special for you, but they may need a little guidance to understand what will make you feel appreciated.

  • Express Your Desires: Communicate candidly with your partner about how you envision the day, from breakfast in bed to a quiet evening at home. This prevents misunderstandings and ensures your needs are met.
  • Make a Plan Together: Rather than leaving it vague, sit down with your partner and make a plan for how you want to be spoiled. This might include a special outing or simply time to relax. If your husband doesn’t know what you want, planning ensures that everyone is on the same page and can reduce stress associated with last-minute decisions.

Finding Joy Beyond the Day Itself

pink flowers on the table

This occasion should be more than just a special day; it’s about recognizing it’s essential to find joy in life every day of the year. While it is highlighted as a day for celebration, joy doesn’t have to be confined to one day of the year.

Embracing Everyday Moments

Focus on the small, everyday interactions that build lasting relationships. Make every day memorable by sharing laughs, stories, and affection.

Whether it’s reminiscing over old photographs cooking a family recipe together, or as simple as doing housework, these are the moments that often bring the most genuine happiness. Relishing in the daily routines can transform an ordinary day into the best day ever.

Handling Disappointment After the Day

If the day wasn’t what you anticipated, it’s completely normal that you would be upset. It’s essential to address your feelings, such as feeling like a failure, and reset your expectations.

Reflect on why the day didn’t meet your hopes and consider how to find the joy in life beyond that single day. Initiate open conversations with your loved ones; this can lead to understanding and more fulfilling celebrations in the future.

Remember, every day can be as special as you make it, not just one day of the year.

Frequently Asked Questions

lady with papers on bed

This day can bring a mix of emotions for many people. Here are some specific ways to navigate this day, whether you’re supporting someone else or dealing with your own sense of disappointment and loss.

How might one support a friend dealing with disappointment on this annual celebration for mums?

If your friend is feeling disappointed and feels like they failed as a mom, listen to them attentively and acknowledge their feelings. Suggest engaging in an activity they love or help them create a new tradition that celebrates their unique situation.

What are some ways to honor Mom’s Day when experiencing grief or loss?

Honoring this occasion amidst grief can involve creating a memory book, visiting a significant place, or even planting a tree in memory of a lost mother or child. It’s a personal way to commemorate the day while acknowledging your loss.

What advice is there for mums who feel underappreciated or overwhelmed on this special occasion?

Mothers feeling underappreciated may benefit from communicating their needs directly to their loved ones.

It’s okay to want to be alone,  or ask for a simple gesture of appreciation, or an activity that recharges you.

How can someone communicate their Mom’s Day disappointment without causing conflict?

To communicate disappointment in a non-confrontational way, use “I” statements to express your feelings and avoid blaming the other person. For example, “I feel hurt when my role as a mother isn’t acknowledged on Mom’s Day.”

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Shannon is a mother of two boys and one girl. She's hoping her experience with parenting and everything in between can help other moms navigate the complex world of motherhood.

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