How To Make Friends As A Stay-At-Home Mom

By Shannon McLaughlin | Updated On August 18, 2022

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how to make friends as a stay at home mom

how to make friends as a stay at home mom?

For many stay-at-home moms, making friends can be difficult. You’re busy! You have kids to take care of, groceries to buy, and errands to run. Plus, you’re probably feeling isolated from your old friends now that you’re not working outside the home.

As a stay-at-home mom, you don’t have to be lonely. You can make friends with other moms for fun, support, and mutual understanding. If you want to know how to make mom friends, there are many ways you can do it!

6 Tips On How To Make Friends As A Stay-At-Home Mom

Find A Mother Group In Your Area

These groups can help you connect with other mothers who have similar schedules as yours or who have children close to your child’s age. Stay-at-home moms can also find support groups for help with loneliness or depression.

Check your local community center or church for parenting or raising children’s classes and events. Moms are often looking for ways to connect with other parents while their kids are at school, so they’ll likely be happy to meet up with you!

Reach Out To Fellow Moms Through Social Media

If you want to know how to make friends as a mom, the best way to do it is by reaching out to fellow moms through social media. It’s easy to start a conversation with someone on Facebook or Instagram and get to know her better.

You can find out what she likes and dislikes and if you have anything in common with her. You can also post questions on the page asking if anyone wants to meet up sometime soon, many moms will respond positively!

Make Friends With Your Neighbors

Sometimes the best way to meet new people is through your neighbors. If you live in an apartment building or condo complex, why not invite your neighbors for an afternoon barbecue? Cook up some burgers and hot dogs and make some drinks.

If this sounds like fun, then go ahead and invite them over! You never know what might happen… maybe one of those neighbors could end up being your new best friend!

Join A Club Or Organization That Interests You

Another way on how to find mom friends who share your interests is to join a club or organization that interests you. If you like sports, join a sports team or league. If you like going out for coffee and chatting with other moms, join the local coffee shop’s parenting group.

And if you don’t find the perfect thing right away (which happens to everyone!), don’t give up—just keep looking around until you find something fun and exciting that fits your personality. If it’s something you already love, then this is a great way to meet people who also love it!

Go To A Mom-And-Me Exercise Class

If you don’t see yourself as the type of person who would join an exercise class just to make friends, think again! There are tons of mom-and-me exercise classes out there—you can find them by searching online or asking around at your local gym or community center.

Not only will this give you a chance to know how to make friends with other moms who are also staying at home with their kids, but it will also give you an opportunity to get out of the house and exercise with others. It’s a great way to meet new people while doing something fun!

Join A Spouses’ Club In Your Community

Many spouses’ clubs have monthly events where they get together and have fun as couples while their kids play together. They also host holiday parties and other events where families can spend time together.

These events are great places for you to meet other parents, especially if your children are close in age and can play together. This is the perfect way to meet other moms who are in similar situations as you and who may become good friends in the future!


Overall, the best way to know how to make friends as a stay-at-home mom is to get out there and meet people. It’s so easy to feel isolated when you have little ones at home all day, but don’t let that stop you from meeting new people and making new friends.

The most important thing is you should never give up! If your first few attempts at making friends don’t go as planned, keep trying until it feels right. You never know who might be out there waiting for you!

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Shannon is a mother of two boys and one girl. She's hoping her experience with parenting and everything in between can help other moms navigate the complex world of motherhood.

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