In Family

Why Mother-in-Law Hates Daughter-in-Law: How To Deal With An Emotionally Distant or Jealous MIL

By Shannon McLaughlin | Updated On December 28, 2023

  • Medically reviewed by 
MIL behind DIL

When families blend, so do personalities, sometimes causing friction or dislike between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It’s a dynamic fraught with complexity, where unmet expectations or different values might lead to tension. Ever wonder what’s behind the chill in the air when you’re just trying to connect?


Key Takeaways

  • Relationships can be complex
  • Communication is key
  • Self-care enhances well-being

Shannon’s Take


If you’re fretting over why your mother-in-law might seem less than warm, it’s often a mix of mismatched personal expectations and disrupted family dynamics. It’s not about you having to change who you are, but understanding where she’s coming from can smooth things over. Remember, empathy works wonders! One more thing – don’t play the victim card and put your husband in a position where he has to choose between you and his mom. It will only make matters worse!

Understanding Your RelationshipMILs not happy

It’s important to look closely at both the psychological dynamics at play and the typical areas where conflicts arise.

Psychological Aspects of the Relationship

Emotions run deep when it comes to family dynamics, particularly in the relationship between you and your mother-in-law. Your mother-in-law, much like anyone else, has sentiments and opinions that shape her behavior.

Sometimes, these behaviors might seem manipulative or toxic, possibly stemming from her own mental health or emotional needs. It’s not uncommon for mothers-in-law to be threatened by the entrance of a new, independent woman in their son’s life, viewing it as a loss of control or boundary over their relationship with their son.

A hint of jealousy can seep in, especially if she perceives that her son values his relationship with you more than with her.

Dr. Terri Apter, a noted psychologist who focuses on family dynamics, discusses these complex patterns in her work. For deeper insights, you may find her studies on family relationships enlightening.

Common Sources of Conflict

Conflicts often surface over differences in opinions and points of view. It’s a classic scenario – you might have one way of doing things, while your mother-in-law has another.

Criticism often comes into play if she thinks her methods or traditions are being cast aside in favor of yours. Disagreement can escalate quickly into outright insults, especially in matters related to your spouse, children, or your home.

  • Respect: A lack of mutual respect can fuel disputes.
  • Behavior: Actions perceived as disrespectful or unthoughtful can cause friction.

Remember, every action and word between you two can either build or damage the fragile framework of your relationship. It’s crucial to address these issues head-on and work towards a space where both of you can coexist without constant strife.

Contributing Factors to Why A Mother In Law Would Hate Her Daughter-In-Law

MIL and DIL at dinner


When you’re trying to understand why a mother-in-law might have strong negative sentiments toward her daughter-in-law, it’s important to consider several factors that can fuel this dynamic. Specific personality traits and differing cultural expectations can create a complex situation where emotions run high.

Personality Clashes and Traits

Certain personality traits can lead to friction between family members, particularly when a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have opposing views or values.

If your mother-in-law is accustomed to being the central figure in her family, she might be threatened by your presence or see you as an intruder.

In cases where either of you has a dominant personality, or where one habitually engages in emotional manipulation, this might escalate tension. Personality clashes are more intense when either party perceives the other’s habits or traits as annoying or disrespectful.

Cultural and Familial Expectations

In many families, cultural expectations set the stage for a mother-in-law’s perception of her daughter-in-law.

If she holds traditional views on family roles and you have a more modern outlook, it could lead to disagreements. The pressure to align with familial norms can be a significant circumstance, generating friction.

For example, your mother-in-law may expect that her son’s spouse will uphold certain traditions, and any deviation from these norms might be misinterpreted as a lack of respect, a mistake, or as an indicator that you are not well-suited for the marriage.

Effective Communication Strategies

When dealing with tension between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law, the heart of the matter often comes down to how you communicate. Establishing clear boundaries and learning conflict resolution techniques can go a long way.

Establishing Boundaries

It’s crucial to let her know where the line is.

You might try to talk about what’s okay and what’s not in a candid way. For example, you can discuss when she can visit that is respectful of your space. Keep in mind that understanding each other’s limits can prevent a lot of headaches.

  • Tip: Use “I” statements to express your thoughts without blame.
  • Clarity: Be as clear as possible about what you are comfortable with.

Conflict Resolution Techniques

If a disagreement comes up, it’s important to engage in a solution-focused conversation. Try to talk it out with the aim to understand each other’s perspectives.

  • Resist arguing: Aim to find the sweetest possible outcome for both parties.
  • Express concerns calmly: Share how certain actions make you feel without escalating tension.

Remember, no one is at fault here – it’s all about dealing with the issues at hand constructively and working towards a harmonious relationship.

Maintaining Personal Well-being

Navigating a tricky relationship with your mother-in-law can take a toll on you, but it’s crucial to protect your mental health and set realistic expectations for your interactions with her.

Protecting Mental Health

Your mental well-being should be a top priority, especially when dealing with a stressful family dynamic.

Ways to deal with tension include finding time for activities that make you feel good and talking to friends or a therapist about your feelings.

It’s vital to give her space and yourself too; it’s best to keep some distance when needed to prevent overthinking and safeguard your self-esteem.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Take things one step at a time and manage your expectations.

You might wish for a perfect relationship, but it’s okay if things are less than ideal. Acknowledge that you cannot control her actions, only your reactions. This focus will reduce the impact challenging interactions can have on your mental health and help you avoid scenarios that affect your mental well-being unfavorably.

Building Positive Relationships

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When you’re there is tension with your mother-in-law, remember that your shared interest in the happiness of your family can be a powerful unifying force. Finding commonality and respecting differences pave the way to a more amicable bond.

Finding Common Ground

Identify areas where you and your mother-in-law share interests, whether it’s gardening, reading, or even a shared taste in movies.

By engaging in activities you both enjoy, you create opportunities for pleasant interactions. A weekend movie marathon or a regular book club can become quality time spent that helps form a bond and shows your mother-in-law that you like spending time together.

Appreciating Differences

Rather than let dissimilarities create a conflict, view them as a chance to learn and grow.

Your mother-in-law might have a talent or years of experience in an area you’re unfamiliar with. Approach these differences with an open mind, perhaps by asking her to share her skills with you.

Don’t be afraid to recognize and appreciate the uniqueness she brings to the table—maybe she has a knack for cooking that you could learn from or a patience and wisdom that comes from her years of experience.

Both perspectives—from a coach or a therapist who might specialize in family dynamics—would advise that focusing on these aspects could significantly help in getting along with your mother-in-law.

It can be as simple as giving a gift that caters to her interests or as complex as organizing a family event that highlights her quality contributions. The aim is to weave a tapestry of respect and appreciation that enriches your relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

When you’re trying to find a middle ground with your mother-in-law, it’s essential to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. These FAQs can guide you on how to address sensitive issues without causing a family rift.

How can I address my mother-in-law’s need for attention without causing conflict?

Start by acknowledging her experiences and feelings. Set aside time to spend with her. This can show that you value her and want to maintain a healthy relationship.

What strategies can I use to deal with an insecure mother-in-law?

Focus on open communication and reassurance. Perhaps invite her to collaborate on certain activities or decisions, which might help boost her confidence in her role within the family.

How can I navigate cultural differences with my Mexican mother-in-law?

Learn and respect cultural traditions that are important to her. Try engaging in cultural events and showing interest in Mexican customs to build a bridge of understanding.

What steps should I take if my mother-in-law blames me for issues unfairly?

Address the issue directly but gently. Look for a private moment to calmly discuss how her behavior affects you and express your willingness to work together to resolve any misunderstandings.

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Shannon is a mother of two boys and one girl. She's hoping her experience with parenting and everything in between can help other moms navigate the complex world of motherhood.

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