In Family

Help, My Daughter-in-Law Hates Me! What Should I Do?

By Shannon McLaughlin | Updated On January 2, 2024

  • Medically reviewed by 
MIL and DIL serious conversation

Navigating the complexities of family relationships isn’t easy, and it feels particularly tough when you sense that your daughter-in-law may harbor negative feelings toward you.

Whether it’s a mismatch in personalities or conflicting expectations, the tension can be palpable and often, heart-wrenching. You might wonder, is it something you did, or is it just the way things are? How can you get along with your daughter-in-law?

Key Takeaways

  • Think about the nature of your relationship with your daughter-in-law.
  • Explore strategies for positive engagement and boundary setting.
  • Embrace personal growth to support family harmony.

Shannon’s Take

Hey mom-in-law! Dealing with the sense that your daughter-in-law dislikes you can be super tricky, but don’t lose heart. Consider setting some time aside to chat with her, maybe over coffee? Just listen, keep an open mind, and try to understand her perspective. Remember, it doesn’t have to be a battle—finding common ground with your in-law is key.

Understanding Why Your Daughter-In-Law Hates You


It’s tough to feel like your daughter-in-law doesn’t like you. To navigate this delicate situation, it’s essential to identify the signs of conflict and understand the complexities of the mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relationship.

Recognizing Signs of Conflict

You may sense that your daughter-in-law dislikes you if she shows signs of toxic behavior.

Here are some toxic daughter-in-law signs

  • Passive-aggressiveness
  • Overt criticism
  • Excluding you from family events
  • Controlling or creates conflict deliberately
  • Silent treatment or being cold towards you

If she’s deliberately doing this to you, there might be deeper issues at play. According to some experts, these behaviors are red flags indicating a troubled relationship.

Mother-In-Law and Daughter-In-Law Relationships

The relationship between you and your daughter-in-law can be complex due to the unique connection she has with your son.

Clinical psychologist Dr. John Duffy, in his explorations on family dynamics, emphasizes the importance of empathy and boundaries in these relationships. This ensures a healthy balance between closeness and independence within family constructs.

For more on fostering positive dynamics, you might find Dr. Duffy’s insights here valuable.

Navigating this relationship with care and understanding can better the chances for a peaceful family environment. Look for opportunities to connect with your daughter-in-law on neutral ground, and always make room for practicing patience and empathy.

Building a Positive Relationship



If you’re feeling the pain of a strained relationship with your daughter-in-law, remember that building a positive and good relationship takes time and focused effort. Let’s explore how you can do this, laying the groundwork for a stronger bond.

Strategies for a Healthy Relationship

  • Be Patient: Acknowledge that trust and affection don’t happen overnight. It’s about giving and receiving space and understanding that a strong relationship is a long-term investment.
  • Learn About Her: Show genuine interest by learning about her interests, background, and life goals. This personal approach signals that you see her as an individual and value her beyond just being your son’s partner.
  • Family Inclusion: Integrate her into the family by involving her in traditions and outings. Feeling welcomed can strengthen her sense of belonging and help form a positive relationship.
  • Set Boundaries: Maintain a healthy dynamic by recognizing personal boundaries. This not only fosters mutual regard with each other but also prevents misunderstandings and conflicts.

Communication and Respect

  • Open Dialogue: Prioritize clear and open communication. Approach conversations with a listening ear and a willingness to understand her perspective. This can pave the way for a relationship based on mutual regard.
  • Choose Your Words Wisely: Mindfulness in how you speak and the topics you choose can prevent unnecessary tension. Express yourself honestly, but with kindness and empathy.

This is a journey marked by compassion, empathy, and thoughtful interactions. By putting these strategies into practice, you create opportunities for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

Dealing With Challenges

When bridging the gap with a daughter-in-law who seems to dislike you, understanding how to navigate toxic behavior and manipulation becomes essential. Let’s break down these challenges and explore effective strategies.

Overcoming Toxic Behavior

If you’re sensing that your daughter-in-law’s actions are coming off as toxic, it’s important to set boundaries. One way to address toxic behavior is to communicate openly about your feelings without being confrontational.

For instance, if she disregards your opinions or diminishes your feelings, calmly express that this behavior affects you deeply. Dealing directly with these issues may help improve your relationship with her.

Handling Disrespect and Manipulation

Facing a manipulative daughter-in-law requires a combination of assertiveness and empathy. If you find yourself constantly criticized or compared unfavorably to others, it’s crucial to speak up for yourself.

However, try to understand her perspective and ask questions that might reveal the reasons behind her disrespect. It might be beneficial to have a constructive conversation to set the stage for a more respectful relationship. Remember, finding common ground can turn adversarial interactions into cooperative dynamics.

Setting Boundaries

stern in-laws


When your daughter-in-law’s behavior creates tension, setting boundaries is essential—not only for your peace of mind but also to maintain a healthy family dynamic. It’s a way to deal with the challenges while allowing time to get to know each other better.

Establish Limits with Love

To start, articulate clear limits. For example, decide which topics are off-limits for discussions and what personal spaces are yours alone. Let your daughter-in-law know that while you value her opinions, your values and comfort must also be acknowledged.

Remember, it’s about finding a balance that keeps everyone’s dignity intact.

  • Time: Agree on visits and family gatherings beforehand, ensuring you all have adequate personal time.
  • Communication: Opt for an open, yet respectful tone. If a conversation heats up, it’s okay to press pause and revisit when cooler heads can prevail.

Creating Inclusive Family Experiences



To mitigate the strain of a rocky relationship with your DIL, focusing on the foundation of family inclusivity is crucial. It’s all about crafting moments that welcome everyone, ensuring that your son, daughter-in-law, and grandkids feel valued and part of the unit.

Invitations and Family Events

Invitations: Extend them with warmth and care. When you’re planning a family gathering, consider sending a personal invite to your daughter-in-law, expressing that you’re looking forward to her presence.

This can be a written note or a heartfelt message. It’s small gestures like these that show you’re making an effort to include her, and by extension, fostering a comfortable environment for your grandchildren.

Be cognizant of the language you use; keep it friendly and open-ended. Encourage your daughter-in-law to provide input on event planning—what food to bring, which activities the grandkids might enjoy, or the time that works best for their schedule. This collaboration may help bridge gaps and convey that her opinions are heard and appreciated.

Family Events: Aim for neutral ground. Whether it’s a birthday or a Sunday brunch, create occasions that are low-pressure and enjoyable for all. Set up activities that both adults and children can take part in together, like board games or a simple craft station. It’s not just about the event itself but the opportunity it presents for organic bonding and shared memories.

Lastly, during events, facilitate conversations that engage everyone. Ask your son and daughter-in-law about their interests, and relay stories where they are the focal point, showing that you value their role in the family narrative. Using ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ can subtly yet effectively promote a sense of unity and collective participation.

Supporting Your Son and His Family

As a mother-in-law, your approach to supporting your son and his family becomes crucial. Your efforts can foster a sense of family unity, even in challenging times.

Fostering Warmth and Unity

Building a positive relationship with your son’s family starts with open communication.

Let your son know that you’re there for him and his family, without stepping over boundaries. Be proactive and suggest family gatherings that are relaxed and pressure-free, focusing on activities that everyone enjoys. This can help create a neutral ground where positive interactions can grow.

Encourage your son to share stories about his family life, including the activities of your grandchildren. This not only shows your interest but also reinforces the bond you share. When it comes to his partner, listen to what your son has to say and offer supportive feedback when appropriate.

Remember, as a mother-in-law, it’s about building bridges, not walls. You can express your affection for your grandchildren by attending their important events, whether it’s a school play or a soccer match. This strengthens the family fabric without directly involving your daughter-in-law, easing tensions by showing your support from a distance.

Ensure you recognize their family routines and rules. If your son and daughter-in-law have a specific way of raising their kids, support their approach. It’s more about being their ally rather than asserting your own parenting style.

The key is patience. Relationships within family dynamics are often a marathon, not a sprint. Your consistent, calm demeanor can go a long way in maintaining your relationship with your son and pave the way for warmer relations with your daughter-in-law over time.

Personal Growth and Well-being

Facing a situation where you feel your daughter-in-law dislikes you can be challenging. Yet, it’s essential for your serenity to prioritize personal growth and emotional well-being through this time.

Maintaining Your Own Identity

It’s easy to get caught up in family dynamics, but remember, your individuality is key.

Keep a hold on activities and hobbies that make you happy, separate from your role as a mother-in-law. It’s a time to build on who you are outside of just family ties.

Offering space can benefit not only your relationship with your DIL but also bolster your personal growth. It could be an art class twice a week or a new business venture. Taking time out for yourself isn’t selfish—it’s necessary.

Continuing to learn and grow as an individual is crucial. Sometimes, giving a situation a little space—to let it breathe and take its natural course—is all you need. And who knows, your daughter-in-law might come to see your independence in a positive light; perhaps she’ll catch glimpses of similar qualities in herself, and a mutual respect could begin to form.

Communication can also play a part here. If there’s a misunderstanding, find a calm time to let her know your feelings without making it an accusation. It’s not about changing her, but finding a peaceful coexistence where you both know where the other stands.


When coping with a difficult daughter-in-law, remember that your goal is fostering a healthy relationship. First, let go of any blame. It’s not productive and will only fuel the fire. Reflect on any role you may have played and what changes you could make.

Acknowledge her feelings and perspective. It’s important to show empathy, even if you don’t fully understand her viewpoint. Communication is key—have an open, honest dialogue without being confrontational.

Set clear boundaries. It’s okay to establish what behaviors you can and cannot accept. It’s also essential to acknowledge her boundaries in turn.

Consider these practical steps:

  • Choose your battles wisely.
  • Offer your help without overstepping.
  • Celebrate her achievements and good qualities.

In conflicts, focus on solutions rather than the problem itself. If your efforts don’t seem to improve the situation, remember it may be beneficial to seek family counseling.

Building bridges will take time; be patient with the process. Relationships are complex, but with consistent effort and compassion, the bond with your daughter-in-law can strengthen. Remember, it’s not just about tolerance, but about understanding and consideration.

Keep an open heart and an open mind—rebuilding a relationship is a journey worth taking.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dealing with a difficult daughter-in-law can be challenging, but understanding how to address common issues may help foster a more positive connection.

Are there strategies for dealing with a daughter-in-law who seems to prioritize her own family over ours?

When your daughter-in-law seems to favor her own family, it’s crucial to respect her choices while gently expressing your desire for inclusiveness. Open, non-confrontational communication is key. Broach the topic kindly, perhaps suggesting specific family events or traditions that you’d love to share with her.

What steps can I take if I suspect that my daughter-in-law’s behavior is negatively impacting the family dynamic?

To counter negative impacts on family dynamics, start with self-reflection to ensure you’re not misinterpreting her behavior. Then, consider a heart-to-heart talk to express your feelings and listen to hers. Approaching the situation with empathy can provide insight into her actions and contribute to resolving misunderstandings.

How might I address issues with a daughter-in-law who communicates in a hurtful way?

Addressing a daughter-in-law who communicates hurtfully requires setting clear boundaries regarding respectful conversation. Approach her calmly to discuss how her words affect you and suggest more constructive ways to communicate. It’s important to remain open to her perspective during this exchange as well.

What are some healthy boundaries to set if my relationship with my daughter-in-law is strained?

Setting healthy boundaries might involve agreeing on what topics are open for discussion and which ones to avoid, as well as establishing mutual respect for personal space and time. It can be helpful to agree on regular, but not overwhelming, interaction schedules that respect both parties’ comfort levels.

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Shannon is a mother of two boys and one girl. She's hoping her experience with parenting and everything in between can help other moms navigate the complex world of motherhood.

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